The  executable  specification  of  Standard  Prolog

                                A  manual

			       Version 1.0

                               April  1996


1   Introduction

2   Using the executable specification
    2.1   Preparations
    2.2   Facilities
    2.3   Options
    2.4   Flags
    2.5   Completeness, limitations and bugs

3   Examples
    3.1   Getting started
    3.2   run_subs(Program)
    3.3   run_forest(Program)
    3.4   Testing simple programs
    3.5   Testing built-in predicates
    3.6   Testing input-output

4   Testing Built-in predicates - The run_bip/1 predicate
    4.1   functor/3
    4.2   current_predicate/1


      Pierre Deransart (INRIA) and AbdelAli Ed-Dbali (University of Orleans) 
  have produced an executable version of the formal definition of ISO 
  standard Prolog (Informative Annex).
      These notes describe the executable specification of standard Prolog.
  It has been designed with facilities to help test, design, and improve the
  standard.  Sample tests of built-in predicates are included in the files
  of directory bips (some copied from standard Prolog document). Users
  are invited to send the authors further tests together with the expected
      Remember that an executable specification is not a specification. In
  particular the results will depend on the processor which you are using.
  The executable specification has been tested on SICStus and SWI Prolog
  processors,  but it is likely to have the same behaviour on several other
  processors because it uses standard parts of the above processors.
      Note also that the executable specification is a specific implemen-
  tation of the formal one.  In particular you may be surprised by the
  behaviour of unification which conforms to the standard, but is unde-
  fined in some cases.
      The executable specification provides a valuable consistency check on
  the standard because it links the descriptions of the built-in predicates
  in chapter 5 of the "Prolog: The Standard" book (and section 8 of the 
  International Standard document) with the formal semantics in annex A (of 
  the same document). When all the examples for a predicate give the 
  expected result, we can have confidence that this part of the standard 
  has been defined consistently.
      The code of executable specification is very close to the text of 
  formal one. Thus it is usually quicker and sounder to test a goal using 
  it rather than to try to figure out what happens for a particular goal 
  with the text of the formal specification.


   1. This executable specification comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
      It is an inefficient Prolog meta-interpreter.

   2. Updated version of executable specification of standard PROLOG can be 
      received by anonymous ftp form:

   3. Bug reports, interesting results, comments or suggestions of modification
      are welcome:



      To run the executable specification you need the following text files:

   1. Prolog source files:  EXE-SPEC.PL (Prolog translation of the formal
      specification:  the kernel and built-in predicates definitions),
      L-PRED.PL (all undefined features used in the formal specification:
      arithmetics, unification, ...), INTERF.PL (environment to use 
      easily the executable specification) EX-TEST.PL (special environment
      to test all the examples in bips files), SYNTAX.PL (syntactic
      analyser of ISO Standard Prolog texts and terms), UTIL.PL (other 
      features like negation by failure, ...) and MAKE (to load the previous 

   2.  EXAMPLES: directory containing some standard Prolog source files
       you want to test. It is recommended that you test only very short

   3.  BIP-EX: directory containing sample test files. There is one file for 
       each built-in predicate. The file corresponding to a built-in 
       predicate has the same name, except for some cases where another 
       mnemonic name is used (e.g. "arith-eq" instead of (=:=)/2, or 
       "not_provable" instead of ('\+')/1, ...).

    To start the executable specification, prepare some files with examples 
  (written in standard Prolog style) and consult "make" from Prolog (see 3.1).

  2.2 -  Facilities

      At present you can do the following:

   1.  Look at answer substitutions:

          call:   run_subs(Program_File_Name).

       It behaves like a Prolog session where the consulted program is
       Program_File_Name. You will be asked for goals. The results are 
       "success", "failure", a system error or a substitutions.

       For an example, see 3.2

   2.  Look at the search tree:

          call:   run_forest(Program_File_Name).

       You will be asked for goals and the search tree will be displayed.
       This should be self-explanatory. But remember that the nodes are
       numbered in a dewey-like notation.

       Do not worry if you need to wait some time before results are 
       displayed: the search tree is completely computed before any output.
       The computation introduces other goals than thoses given by the user.
       We will try to give an explanation in section 3.3.

   3.  Test a sample of examples for a given built-in predicate:

          call:   run_bip(Bip_File_Name).

       This is a utility predicate: all the examples of the built-in 
       predicate will be tested and compared with the expected result. 
       If you get INTENDED  RESULT the example is conforming. If you get 
       an other message there is a deviation.

       For an example, see 4.

   4.  Stop the current session: type instead of a goal ^d or the atom 

  2.3 - OPTIONS

      The execution of the runable specification can be controlled with various

   1.  After a 'run_subs' or a 'run_forest' goal you can give the goal: 
       to remember the contents of the file (database) being processed.

   2.  To have a short help, give (at the top level) the goal: help_me.

   3.  To limit the computation in the unification algorithm.  There is a
       limit (40 by default) on number of recursions in unification.  This
       prevents the executable specification from looping in the case of
       a non-terminating unification.  If the default value is too small, it
       may be increased by giving the goal:   max_loop(Integer).

   4.  To test a built-in predicate (wich not need a database) simply, call:
           or bip_forest. 
       and give goals (see 3.1).  Built-in predicates can be tested in this
       way, but it is usually more convenient to prepare your examples in a 
       bip file. 
       It is also possible to introduce examples as a list whose elements are 
       in the following order (see 4):

       (a) A goal,

       (b) (optional) A program, entered as a list of clauses or by its file
           name. Example:
              [(nat(0)  :-  true),  (nat(suc(X))  :-  nat(X))]
           where 'natural' is the file containing the definition of 'nat'.

       (c) An expected answer:
           -  A list of answer substitutions in the order in which they are 
	      expected.  The operator substitution is:  <--.  

                [[Var1  <--  Term11,  ...,  VarN  <--  Term1N],
                 [Var1  <--  term21,  ...,  VarN  <--  Term2N],  ...]

           -  "success" if a success with an empty answer substitution is 

           -  "failure" if a finitely failed search tree is expected,

           -  error-identifier which is a term identifing the expected error. 
	      Examples: instantiation_error, type_error(atom, 1), 
		        permission_error(modify, static_procedure, foo/2), ...,

           -  "impl_dep" or "impl_defined" or "undefined" if the expected 
	      behaviour is implementation dependent or implementation defined 
	      or undefined.


             [  (X=1;X=2),[  [X  <--  1],  [X  <--  2]  ]  ].
             [  1  =:=  1.0,  success  ].
             [  2  <  1,  failure  ].
             [  functor(A,B,3),  instantiation_error  ].
             [  f(X,1)  =  f(a(X),2),  undefined  ].
             [  f(X,1)  @<  f(Y,2),  impl_dep  ].

  2.4 - FLAGS

      Three  flags  determine  the  environment  while  running  the  
  executable specification. Each flag is represented by a predicate defined by
  a single fact, and whose argument defines the value of the flag.

   1.  max_loop/1 (see 2.3).

   2.  sto_test/1 to test whether unification is "subject to occur check"
       (STO). The flag has a value 'on' or 'off'. When the flag is 'on' the 
       executable specification computes whether or not unification of two
       terms is implementation dependent at every invocation of unification.  
       This obviously slows the execution but provides a means of checking 
       that a program without input is standard conforming with respect to 

   3.  In the case of running "run_subs" predicate, you can see also the 
       contains of input and output streams by turning 'on' the display_io flag
       (call: display_io(on)). To turn it 'off', simply call: display_io(off)
       (see 3.1).


      The executable specification successfully emulates very large parts of
  standard Prolog - including some of the controversial, for example

   1.  a logical view of the database (see 3.4).

   2.  Unification (see 2.4)

    But there are some limitations and bugs:

   1.  The executable specification has been designed as closely as possible 
       to the formal one. It is extremely inefficient - do not try big 

   2.  Some built-in predicates are NOT YET defined: 
       char_conversion/2, current_char_conversion/2, flush_output/0/1, 
       set_stream_position/2, stream_property/2.
       The follwing directives are NOT YET defined:

   3.  Bugs are essentialy on input/output built-in predicates. The following 
       bugs willbe fixed in the next version:
       - read/1/2 and read_term/2/3 work on user_input stream only.
       - read options (variables, variable_names and singletons) are not yet 
       - The write option quoted(true) quotes all atoms in a term.
       - input/output are tested only on text streams. Operations on binary 
         streams are specified but never been tested on real binary stream.
       - As it is defined in the formal specification, a database is a local 
         data-structure. The database is modified during a database updating 
         goal, but this change is not visible in the rest of the session.
         However, streams are global data-structres and works as usual.


     Comments have been inserted in the listing as annotations.


my_machine%  prolog
SICStus  2.1  #8:  Mon  Apr  1  12:41:57  MET  DST  1996
| ?-  [make].	% consulting make-file
... make  consulted,  14990  msec  395232  bytes

| ?-  help_me.
Executable  Specification  Help

 - run_subs(Prog):
   gives substitution responses when executing goals on Prog

 - run_forest(Prog):
   gives the search-tree when executing goals on Prog

 - run_subs:
   equivalent to run_subs without program (usefull to test some BIPs)

 - run_forest:
   equivalent to run_forest without program (usefull to test some BIPs)

 - run_bip(ExamplesBipFile):
   test examples in ExamplesBipFile (usefull to test a set of examples BIP)

| ?-  run_subs.

[]  goal  ?-  findall(X,  (X=1;  X=2),  S).
findall(A, (A = 1 ; A = 2), B)	%  The  goal  is  reprinted  with  a  renaming
    				%  of  variables  (A,B,....).  This is because
				%  the  terms  have  been  translated  into
				%  the  abstract  syntax

          B <-- [1, 2]		%  The goal succeeds and unifies B with [1, 2]
      success -------

[]  goal  ?-   ...  etc
[]  goal  ?-  ^d

| ?-

  3.2 -  run_subs(Program)

| ?- run_subs('examples/plus').

[examples/plus] goal ?- % The name of the program is indicated during the session

[examples/plus] goal ?- list_prog.

        end  ---------

[examples/plus] goal ?- plus(0,s(0),s(0)).
      success -------		% success with empty substitution

[examples/plus] goal ?- plus(0,s(0),X).
plus(0,s(0),A)			% The goal is reprinted
          A <-- s(0)
      success -------		% The goal succeeds and unifies A with s(0)

[examples/plus] goal ?- plus(X,Y,s(0)).
          A <-- 0		% All substitutions are given
          B <-- s(0)
      success -------
          A <-- s(0)
          B <-- 0
      success -------

[examples/plus] goal ?- plus(0,s(0),s(s(0))).
          failure -------	% The goal fails

[examples/plus] goal ?- ^d	% To quit the session

  3.3 - run_forest(Program)

     This is the same as run_subs(Program) except that the search tree is 
  printed for each resolution.

| ?- run_forest('examples/plus').

[examples/plus] goal ?- plus(0,s(0),X).
================= forest is ====================
| Id: 		% This is the root of the search-tree
Goal: catch(call(plus(0, s(0), A)), B, special_pred(system_error_action(B)))
   % The initial goal is enveloped in the built-in catch/3 in order to catch a
   % possibly error raised during the execution of the goal.


      plus(0, A, A) :- true
      plus(s(A), B, s(C)) :- plus(A, B, C)
      end ---------

   % The program is displayed at each node to show its evolution on executing 
   % database BIPs like assert, retract and abolish.

Input(s) and output(s): 
   user_input: |

   user_output: |

    % The input and output streams are displayed also. "user_input" and 
    % "user_output" in this example are always empty. The character "|" marks 
    % the point at which input and output would take place.

local substitution: 
      success -------

    % The substitution resulting from executing the parent node (here empty)

| Id: 1
Goal: call(call(plus(0, s(0), A))), inactivate( ), true

      plus(0, A, A) :- true
      plus(s(A), B, s(C)) :- plus(A, B, C)
      end ---------

Input(s) and output(s): 
   user_input: |

   user_output: |

local substitution: 
      success -------

| Id: 11
Goal: call(plus(0, s(0), A)), inactivate( ), true

      plus(0, A, A) :- true
      plus(s(A), B, s(C)) :- plus(A, B, C)
      end ---------

Input(s) and output(s): 
   user_input: |

   user_output: |

local substitution: 
      success -------

| Id: 111
   % Nodes are numbered in a dewey-like notation. This the first child of 
   % node 11

Goal: plus(0, s(0), A), inactivate( ), true

      plus(0, A, A) :- true
      plus(s(A), B, s(C)) :- plus(A, B, C)
      end ---------

Input(s) and output(s): 
   user_input: |

   user_output: |

local substitution: 
      success -------

| Id: 1111
Goal: true, inactivate( ), true
    % ----				----
    % The first clause " plus(0,A,A) :- true" is chosen to construct this node.
    % After renaming of variables, the clause become: plus(0,A2,A2) :- true.


      plus(0, A, A) :- true
      plus(s(A), B, s(C)) :- plus(A, B, C)
      end ---------

Input(s) and output(s): 
   user_input: |

   user_output: |

local substitution: 
    % The result of unifying "plus(0,s(0),A)" and the renamed fact: 
    % "plus(0,A2,A2)"
          A2 <-- s(0)
          A <-- s(0)
      success -------

| Id: 11111
Goal: inactivate( ), true
    % inactivate( ) removes the catcher point from the root (no error).

      plus(0, A, A) :- true
      plus(s(A), B, s(C)) :- plus(A, B, C)
      end ---------

Input(s) and output(s): 
   user_input: |

   user_output: |

local substitution: 
      success -------

| Id: 111111
Goal: true

      plus(0, A, A) :- true
      plus(s(A), B, s(C)) :- plus(A, B, C)
      end ---------

Input(s) and output(s): 
   user_input: |

   user_output: |

Local substitution: 
      success -------

Answer substitution: 
    % The compound substitution restricted to the variables in the goal.
          A <-- s(0)
      success -------



[examples/plus] goal ?- ^d    % End of the session


      It is possible to test simple programs where it is not worthwhile 
  creating a file by loading each clause and then calling run_subs(user) or 

| ?-  run_subs(user).
|:  p(1):-assertz((p(3)  :-  true)).
|:  p(2):-assertz((p(4)  :-  true)).
|:  ^d
[user] goal ?- p(X).
p(A)			% This is a substitution given in the case of
          A <-- 1	% logical database update view.
      success -------	% The Immediate database update view will give:
          A <-- 2	% A <-- 1; A <-- 2; A <-- 3 and A <-- 4
      success -------

[user]  goal  ?-  ...


      When you are only testing built-in predicates, an empty program is 
   sufficient and gives the fastest possible execution.  The tests are made 
   simpler using the predicates run_subs/0 and run_forest/0.

| ?- run_subs.

[] goal ?- functor(f(a,X),Y,Z).
functor(f(a, A), B, C)
          B <-- f
          C <-- 2
      success -------

[] goal ?- functor(X,f,3).
functor(A, f, 3)
          A <-- f(_A1, _A2, _A3)
      success -------

[] goal ?- T=..[f,a,b,c].
A =.. [f, a, b, c]
          A <-- f(a, b, c)
      success -------

[] goal ?- arg(1,f(a,X),Y).
arg(1, f(a, A), B)
          B <-- a
      success -------

[] goal ?- ^d


      There are two standard streams for input and output: user_input and
  user_output. You can add to the environment any stream you want by giving
  the goal open/3 or open/4.

| ?- display_io(on).  % To display input and output streams

| ?- run_subs.

[user] goal ?- open(my_file,read,S).   
	% my_file contains the single word: 'specification'
open(my_file, read, A)
          A <-- my_file
      success -------

   my_file: |specification

   user_input: |

   user_output: |

[user] goal ?- get_char(X).
          A  <--  s
      success -------

    my_file:  s|pecification

   user_input: |

   user_output: |

[user] goal ?- ^d

| ?- run_subs.

[user] goal ?- write_term(f(2, X+'$VAR'(6)),[ignore_ops(true),numbervars(true)]).
write_term(f(2, A + $VAR(6)), [ignore_ops(true), numbervars(true)])
      success -------

   user_input: |

   user_output: f(2, +(A, G))|

[user] goal ?- ^d

4 - TESTING BUILT-IN PREDICATES: The run_bip/1 predicate

  4.1 - functor/3

      It is possible to test Built-in predicates examples by giving a file 
  wich contains terms as described in section 2.3.  The test is done by the 
  run_bip/1 predicate. This predicate is not suitable for input/output 
  built-in predicates. In this case the relevent result is a side effect.

      If the bip file 'functor' is:
  (Note that some erroneous expected answers are given just to see the 
  behaviour of the 'run_bip' predicate.)

[functor(foo(a,b,c),foo,3),		% The goal
			   success].	% The "expected" answer

            [[X <-- foo, Y <-- 2]]].	% Must instantiate Y by 3

[functor(X,foo,3), [[X <-- foo(A,B,C)]]].

[functor(X,foo,0),  [[X  <--  foo]]].

[functor(mats(A,B),A,B),  [[A  <--  mats,B  <--  2]]].

[functor(foo(a),foo,2), success].	%  Must  fail

[functor(foo(a),fo,1),  failure].

[functor(1,X,Y),  [[X  <--  1,Y  <--  0]]].

[functor(X,1.1,0),  [[X  <--  1.1]]].

[functor([_|_],'.',2), failure].  	%  Must  succeed

[functor([],[],0),  success].

[functor(X,  Y,  3),  instantiation_error].

[functor(X,  foo,  N),  instantiation_error].

[functor(X,  foo,  a), failure].	% type_error(integer,a) expected

[functor(F,  1.5,  1),  type_error(atom,1.5)].

[functor(F,foo(a),1),  type_error(atomic,foo(a))].

  X is A + 1,				%  3  goals  brackted
  functor(T, foo, X)),

[functor(T,  foo,  -1),  domain_error(not_less_than_zero,-1)].

    The test will give:

| ?- run_bip('bip-ex/functor').
Warning : The STO test flag is ON

Goal     : functor(foo(a, b, c), foo, 3)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : functor(foo(a, b, c), A, B)
Intended result   : 
          A <-- foo
          B <-- 2

Specif result : 
     The substitution found is :
          A <-- foo
          B <-- 3
      success -------


Goal     : functor(A, foo, 3)
Intended result   : 
          A <-- foo(B, C, D)

Specif result : 
     The substitution found is :
          A <-- foo(_A1, _A2, _A3)
      success -------


Goal     : functor(A, foo, 0)
Intended result   : 
          A <-- foo

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : functor(mats(A, B), A, B)
Intended result   : 
          A <-- mats
          B <-- 2

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : functor(foo(a), foo, 2)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :     Must fail

Goal     : functor(foo(a), fo, 1)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : functor(1, A, B)
Intended result   : 
          A <-- 1
          B <-- 0

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : functor(A, 1.1, 0)
Intended result   : 
          A <-- 1.1

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : functor([A|B], ., 2)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :     Must success

Goal     : functor([], [], 0)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : functor(A, B, 3)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :  system_error_action: instantiation_error

Goal     : functor(A, foo, B)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :  system_error_action: instantiation_error

Goal     : functor(A, foo, a)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :  system_error_action: type_error(integer, a)
    Goal in error : type_error(integer, a)

Goal     : functor(A, 1.5, 1)
Intended result   : 
          type_error(atom, 1.5)

Specif result :  system_error_action: type_error(atom, 1.5)

Goal     : functor(A, foo(a), 1)
Intended result   : 
          type_error(atomic, foo(a))

Specif result :  system_error_action: type_error(atomic, foo(a))

Goal     : current_prolog_flag(max_arity, A), B is A + 1, functor(C, foo, B)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :  system_error_action: representation_error(max_arity)

Goal     : functor(A, foo, -1)
Intended result   : 
          domain_error(not_less_than_zero, -1)

Specif result :  system_error_action: domain_error(not_less_than_zero, -1)

  4.2 - current__predicate/1

[current_predicate(dog/0), program('the_program'), success].
[current_predicate(current_predicate/1), failure].
[current_predicate(elk/Arity), program('the_program'), [[Arity <-- 1]]].
[current_predicate(Name/1), program('the_program'), [[Name <-- elk],
						     [Name <-- insect]]].
[current_predicate(Pred), program('the_program'),
					[[Pred <-- cat/0],[Pred <-- dog/0],
					 [Pred <-- elk/1],[Pred <-- legs/2],
					 [Pred <-- insect/1]]].
[current_predicate(4), type_error(predicate_indicator, 4)].
[current_predicate(dog), type_error(predicate_indicator, dog)].
[current_predicate(0/dog), type_error(predicate_indicator, 0/dog)].

The file 'the_program' has the following contents:

:-  dynamic(cat/0).
:-  dynamic(dog/0).
:-  dynamic(legs/2).
:-  dynamic(insect/1).
dog  :-  true.
elk(X)  :-  moose(X).
legs(A,6)  :-  insect(A).
legs(A,7)  :-  A,  call(A).

| ?- run_bip('bip-ex/current_predicate').
Warning : The STO test flag is ON

Goal     : current_predicate(dog / 0)
Program  :
      insect(ant) :- true
      insect(bee) :- true
      legs(A, 6) :- insect(A)
      legs(A, 7) :- call(A), call(A)
      elk(A) :- moose(A)
      dog :- true
      cat :- true
      end ---------

Intended result   : 

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : current_predicate(current_predicate / 1)
Intended result   : 

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : current_predicate(elk / A)
Program  :
      insect(ant) :- true
      insect(bee) :- true
      legs(A, 6) :- insect(A)
      legs(A, 7) :- call(A), call(A)
      elk(A) :- moose(A)
      dog :- true
      cat :- true
      end ---------

Intended result   : 
          A <-- 1

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT
Goal     : current_predicate(A / 1)
Program  :
      insect(ant) :- true
      insect(bee) :- true
      legs(A, 6) :- insect(A)
      legs(A, 7) :- call(A), call(A)
      elk(A) :- moose(A)
      dog :- true
      cat :- true
      end ---------

Intended result   : 
          A <-- elk
          A <-- insect

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : current_predicate(A)
Program  :
      insect(ant) :- true
      insect(bee) :- true
      legs(A, 6) :- insect(A)
      legs(A, 7) :- call(A), call(A)
      elk(A) :- moose(A)
      dog :- true
      cat :- true
      end ---------

Intended result   : 
          A <-- cat / 0
          A <-- dog / 0
          A <-- elk / 1
          A <-- legs / 2
          A <-- insect / 1

Specif result :     INTENDED RESULT

Goal     : current_predicate(4)
Intended result   : 
          type_error(predicate_indicator, 4)

Specif result :  system_error_action: type_error(predicate_indicator, 4)

Goal     : current_predicate(dog)
Intended result   : 
          type_error(predicate_indicator, dog)

Specif result :  system_error_action: type_error(predicate_indicator, dog)

Goal     : current_predicate(0 / dog)
Intended result   : 
          type_error(predicate_indicator, 0 / dog)

Specif result :  system_error_action: type_error(predicate_indicator, 0 / dog)

Note -  The run_bip/1 predicate is also useful to test any goal (not 
        necessarlly a bip) on any program. Example:

        [     (L = [a, b], length(L, X)),
              [(length([],0) :- true),
               (length([E_L],N) :-
                   length(L, N1)
                 , N is N1 + 1)],
              [[L <- [a, b], X <- 2]]
