Prolog Code for the live Specification

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % % CGI access to the executable % specification. % % % 11 February 1999 % % Author. J.P.E. Hodgson % % % include files for html % :- include(''). % % This is a lightly modified version of the PiLLoW Library. % % files for special conversions between % atoms and terms as well as the formal spec. % :- include(''). % % % Include special front ends for spec. % :- include(''). % % % main does three things. % % 1. gets the INFO form the form and % determines the values set. % 2. Executes the application. % 3. Generates the output % and then halts. % main:- html_get_form_input(Info), get_arguments(Info, Button, FP, Goal, Expected, Prog), doit(Button, FP,FreeProgram, Goal, Expected,Prog, Results), output_html( [ form_reply, start, title('WWW Interface for the Formal Specification of Prolog'), start_body(white), heading(3, 'WWW Interface for the Formal Specification of Prolog'), form(''), heading(4, 'Choose your program'), 'Either enter the program',\\, textarea(freeprogram, [cols=60, rows=10], FreeProgram), \\, 'Or ', submit(select, [name=chosen]), 'from list: ', menu(progmenu, [single], ['use only builtins','user program', reverse, append, length, max]), \\, heading(4, 'Now choose your goal and specify the result you expect.'), 'Goal: ', input(text, [name=goal, size=40, value=Goal]), \\, 'Expected Result: ', input(text, [name=expected, size=40, value=Expected]),\\, 'Here are some sample expected results', \\, 'failure, success, or ', \\, ' X <-- 1, Y <-- 2 ; X <-- 2, Y <-- 4',\\, 'You may also leave this field blank', \\, submit(submit, [name=go]), ' ',reset, heading(4,'The Results:'), textarea(results, [cols=60, rows = 10], Results),\\, end_form, end_body, end] ), nl, halt. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % get_arguments(Info, Button, FP,Goal, Expected, Prog) % get_arguments(Info, Button, FP,G,E,Prog) :- which_pressed(Info, Button), html_get_value(Info, freeprogram, FP), html_get_value(Info, goal, G), html_get_value(Info, expected,E), html_get_value(Info, progmenu, Prog). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % doit(+Button, +FP, -FreeProg, @Goal, @Expected,@Prog, -Results). % % If the button is select show the chosen program. doit(select,_FP, FreeProg, _G,_E,Prog, []) :- !, program(Prog, FreeProg). doit(submit,'Uses only Built In Predicates' ,'Uses only Built In Predicates' , G,E, _, Results) :- !, catch( build_ex(G,E,Results), B, Results = ['Goal:', G,'Expected result:', E, B] ). doit(submit,FreeProg, FreeProg,G,E,_, Results) :- catch( build_ex3(G,E,FreeProg, Results), B, Results=['Goal:', G, 'Expected result:', E, 'Program:', FreeProg, B] ). doit(none, _FP,_F,_G,_E,_P,[]). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Predefined programs. % program('user program', []):- !. program('use only builtins', ['Uses only Built In Predicates']). program(length, ['length(List, Len) :- len1(List, 0, Len).', 'len1([],L,L).', 'len1([H|T], N, L) :- N1 is N + 1, len1(T, N1, L).']). program(append, ['append([], L, L).', 'append([H|L1], L2, [H|L3]) :- append(L1,L2,L3).']). program(reverse, ['reverse(L, Rev):- rev1(L, [], Rev).', 'rev1([], R,R).', 'rev1([H|T], S, R) :- rev1(T, [H|S], R).']). program(max, ['max(X,Y, Max) :- X >= Y, !, Max = X.', 'max(X,Y, Max) :-X < Y, !, Max = Y.'] ). which_pressed(Info, select) :- html_get_value(Info, chosen, select). which_pressed(Info, submit) :- html_get_value(Info, go, submit). which_pressed(_,none). :- initialization((standard_environment,main)). % Needed for compiled standalone. Author: J.P.E. Hodgson
Inria Rocquencourt
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex

Saint Joseph's University
Philadelphia PA 19131

Last Changed: 1999/06/16