The ISO directives, control constructs and builtins.

Directives|Control Constructs|Prolog Flags | Builtins

The builtins are listed here in the order in which they appear in the ISO standard. This is preceded by a table which is in a somewhat alphabetic order.

abolish/1 All Solutions arg/3 Arithmetic Comparison
Arithmetic Evaluation asserta/1 assertz/1 atom/1
atom_chars atom_codes/2 atom_concat/3 atomic/1
atom_length/2 Atom Processing bagof/3 catch/3 and throw/1
char_code/2 char_conversion/2 and current_char_conversion/2 clause/2 Closing a stream: close/1 and close/2
compound/1 copy_term/2 current_predicate/1 current_prolog_flag/2
current_input/1 current_output/1 Evaluable Functors findall/3
Prolog Flags float/1 flush_output/1, flush_output/0 functor/3
get_byte/2, get_byte/1 get_char/2, get_char/1 get_code/2, get_code/1 halt/0 and halt/1
Implementation defined hooks integer/1 Input and Output Logic and Control
nonvar/1 (\+)/1 - not provable number/1 number_chars/2
number_codes/2 once/1 Opening a Stream: open/4 op/3 and current_op/3
Other arithmetic and Bitwise functors peek_byte/2, peek_byte/1 peek_char/2, peek_char/1 peek_code/2, peek_code/1
put_byte/2, put_byte/1 put_char/2, put_char/1, put_code/2, put_code/1, nl/0,nl/1 Reading from Binary streams Character Input Output
Reading from text streams read_term/2 read_term/3, read/1, read/2 repeat/0 retract/1
set_input/1 setof/3 set_output/1 set_stream_position/2
stream_property/2 at_end_of_stream/0,1 Stream Selection and Control sub_atom/5
Term Comparison Term Creation and Decomposition Term Input and Output Prolog Unification =/2
unify_with_occurs_check/2 (=../2) -- univ var/1 Writing terms


Directives in Prolog text specify
Properties of procedures,
dynamic/1, multifile/1, discontiguous/1, set_prolog_flag/1
format and syntax of read-terms
op/3, char_conversion/2
A goal to be executed after the Prolog text has been prepared for execution,
Another unit of Prolog text to be prepared for execution.
include/1, ensure_loaded/1

:- dynamic(PI).

PI is a predicate indicator, predicate indicator sequence, or predicate indicator list. Each procedure identified by PI is dynamic. The predicates abolish/1, clause/2, asserta/1, assertz/1 and retract/1 may be applied to these predicates without raising a permission_error.

:- multifile(PI).

PI is a predicate indicator, predicate indicator sequence, or predicate indicator list. Each procedure identified by PI may be defined by clauses that are contained in more than one Prolog text.

:- discontiguous(PI).

PI is a predicate indicator, predicate indicator sequence, or predicate indicator list. Each procedure identified by PI may be defined by clauses which are not consecutive in the Prolog text.

:- op(Priority, OpSpecifier, Operator).

The arguments Priority, OpSpecifier, and Operator are as the corresponding arguments of the builtin predicate op/3. The effect on the operator table is to be the same.

:- char_conversion(InChar,OutChar).

The arguments InChar and OutChar are as for the builtin predicate char_conversion/2, the effect on the character conversion table is the same.

A live example using this directive.

:- initialization(Goal).

The goal Goal is to be executed immediately after the Prolog text has been prepared for execution. If there are several such directives the order in which the goals is executed is implementation defined.

:- include(PrologText).

The Prolog text identified by PrologText is to be textually included at this point of the current Prolog text.

:- ensure_loaded(PrologText)

The Prolog text identified by PrologText must be prepared for execution (exactly once) with the current Prolog text. This directive is idempotent.

:- set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value)

The Prolog flag Flag shall have is value set to Value.

Control Constructs

Certain constructions, more or less difficult to achieve in pure Prolog are defined in the standard to be "control constructs".


true is true.


fail is false.


call(G) is true if and only if G represents a goal which is true.

Template call(+callable_term)

Cuts in the argument G of call are local to G.

call/1 may raise an instantiation_error, or a type_error when its argument cannot be converted to a goal.

!/0, cut

! is true. All choice ponts between the cut and the parent goal are removed. The effect is commit to use of both the current clause and the substitutions found at the point of the cut.

Ironically, and perhaps somewhat counter intuitively cut can (in the presence of (\+)/1 increase the number of solutions. As the following example (from the book of Deransart, Ed-Dbali and Cervoni) shows:

p1 :- \+ q1. q1 :- fail. q1 :- true. p2:- \+ q2. q2 :- !, fail. q2 :- true. p1. Fails p2. Succeeds.

Conjunction (,)/2

','(First, Second) is true if and only if First is true and Second is true.

Disjunction (;)/2

';'(Either, Or) is true iff and either Either or Or is true.

if-then (->)/2

'->'(If, Then) is true if and only if If is true and Then is true for the first solution of If

The semantics is the same as If,!, Then.

if-then else

';'('->'(If, Then), Else) is true iff and only if (1) If is true and Then is true for the first solution of If or (2) If is false and Else is true.

catch/3 and throw/1

The control constructs catch/3 and throw/1 enable recovery from exceptions.

A goal catch(Goal, Catcher, Handler) is true if

  1. call(Goal) is true, or
  2. An exception is raised which throws a Ball that is caught by Catcher and Handler then succeeds

The following examples illustrate the use of catch and throw. See also further examples of exception handling. p:- true. p:- throw(b). q:- catch(p, B, write('hellop')), r(c). r(X) :- throw(X).

Then the goal:

catch(p, X, (write('error from p'), nl)).

Succeeds twice,

  1. With the empty substitution,
  2. With X <- b after writing
    error from p.

The goal:

catch(q, C, write(helloq)).

succeeds after writing helloq.

Prolog Flags

The definition of each flag indicates whether it is changeable or not.
Possible value: true, false
Default Value: Implementation defined
Changeable: No
Possible value: the default value
Default value: implementation defined
Changeable: No
Possible value: the default value
Default value: implementation defined
Changeable: No
Possible values: down, toward_zero
Default value: implementation defined
Changeable: No
Possible values: on, off
Default value: on
Changeable: Yes
Possible values: on, off
Default value: off
Changeable: Yes
Possible value: the default value
Default value: implementation defined
Changeable: No
Possible values: error, fail, warning
Default value: error Changeable: Yes

Determines the behaviour of the processor upon attempting to execute a procedure which does not exist.

Possible values: chars, codes, atom Default value: implementation defined
Changeable: Yes

Determines the syntax of a double quoted list.


Templates and modes are given for each builtin.

Term Unification

Prolog Unification =/2

If X and Y are Not Subject to Occurs check then X = Y is true iff X and Y are unifiable.

Template '='(?term,?term)


unify_with_occurs_check(X,Y) is true if and only if X and Y are unifiable.

Template unify_with_occurs_check(?term,?term)

(\=)/2 not Prolog Unifiable.

If X and Y are Not Subject to Occurs check then X \= Y is true iff X and Y are not unifiable.

Template '\\='(?term,?term)

Type Testing


var(X) is true if and only if X is a variable.

Template var(@term)


atom(X) is true if and only if X is an atom.

Template atom(@term)


integer(X) is true if and only if X is an integer.

Template integer(@term)


float(X) is true if and only if X is a float.

Template float(@term)


atomic(X) is true if and only if X is atomic (that is an atom, an integer or a float).

Template atomic(@term)


compound(X) is true if and only if X is a compound term, that is neither atomic nor a variable.

Template compound(@term)


nonvar(X) is true if and only if X is not a variable.

Template nonvar(@term)


number(X) is true if and only if X is an integer or a float.

Template number(@term)

Term Comparison

There is an ordering on Prolog terms obtained as follows:

variables term precede floats which term precede integers which term precede atoms which term precede compound.

Within each term the ordering is the obvious one except that

  1. For variables the order is implementation dependent.
  2. for compound terms: X term precedes Y if arity(X) < arity(Y, if the arities are the same then X term precedes Y if functor name X term precedes the functor name of Y, If arity and functor names are the same then the left most differing arguments determine the term precedence.

Term less than or equal to.
Term identical
Term not identical
Term less than
Term greater than
Term greater than or equal to.


Term Creation and Decomposition


functor(Term, Name, Arity) is true if and only if:

It is the second of these possibilities that explains why in the two templates for functor/3

the second parameter is atomic and not an atom.

functor(Term throws representation_error if Arity exceeds max_arity.


arg(N,Term, Arg) is true if nad only if the Nth argument of Term is Arg

Template: arg(+integer, +compound_term, ?term)

Note that arg(N, Term, Arg) throws a domain_error if N is less than zero.

(=../2) -- univ

Term =.. List is true if and only if



copy_term(X,Y) is true if and only if Y unifies with a term T which is a renamed copy of X.

Template: copy_term(?term, ?term).

Arithmetic Evaluation

'is'(Result, Expression) is true if and only if the value of evaluating Expression as an expression is Result

Template: is(?term, @evaluable)

If Expression is a variable is/2 throws an instantiation_error

Arithmetic Comparison

'=:='/2 Arithmetic Equal
'=\\='/2 Arithmetic Not equal
'<'/2 Arithmetic less than
'=<'/2 Arithmetic less than or equal to
'>'/2 Arithmetic greater than
'>='/2 Arithmetic greater than or equal to


'=:='(@evaluable, @evaluable)
'=\\='(@evaluable, @evaluable)
'<'(@evaluable, @evaluable)
'=<'(@evaluable, @evaluable)
'>'(@evaluable, @evaluable)
'>='(@evaluable, @evaluable)

If either argument is a variable the arithmetic comparison functors throw an instantiation_error

Clause Retrieval and Information

These predicates allow the contents of the database to be inspected.


clause(Head, Body) is true if and only if

  • The predicate of Head is public (the standard does not specify how a predicate is declared public but dynamic predicates are public, and
  • There is a clause in the database which corresponds to a term H:- B which unifies with Head :- Body.

Template: clause(+head, ?callable_term)


  1. Head is a variable -- instantiation_error
  2. Head is neither a variable nor a predication -- type_error(callable, Head)
  3. The predicate indicator Pred of Head is that of a private (ie. Not public) procedure -- permission_error(access, private_procedure, Pred)
  4. body is neither a variable nor a callable term type_error(callable, Body).


current_predicate(PI) is true if and only if PI is a predicate indicator for one of the user-defined procedures in the database.

By backtracking current_predicate(X/Y) finds all the user defined predicates in the current database.

Template: current_predicate(?predicate_indicator)

Errors: If PI is neither a variable nor a predicate indicator throws type_error(predicate_indicator, PI).

Clause Creation and Destruction

These predicates allow the database to be altered during the course of execution. Note however that their effect is subject to the logical view of the database. The database is " frozen " at the start of a query.


asserta(Clause) is true.

It has for side effect the addition of the clause H :-B to the database before all other clauses for the predicate associated to H. H :- B is determined as follows.

  1. Either Clause unifies with H :-B, or
  2. Clause unifies with H and B with true.

Template: asserta(@clause)


  1. H is a variable -- instantiation_error
  2. H is neither a variable nor does it correspond to a predication-- type_error(callable, H)
  3. B does not correspond to a callable term -- type_error(callable, B)
  4. The predicate indicator Pred of H is that of a static (ie. not dynamic) procedure -- permission_error(modify, static_procedure, Pred)


assertz(Clause) is true.

It has for side effect the addition of the clause H :-B to the database after all other clauses for the predicate associated to H. H :- B is determined as follows.

  1. Either Clause unifies with H :-B, or
  2. Clause unifies with H and B with true.

Template: assertz(@clause)


  1. H is a variable -- instantiation_error
  2. H is neither a variable nor does it correspond to a predication-- type_error(callable, H)
  3. B does not correspond to a callable term -- type_error(callable, B)
  4. The predicate indicator Pred of H is that of a static (ie. not dynamic) procedure -- permission_error(modify, static_procedure, Pred)


retract(Clause) is true if the database contains at least one dynamic procedure with a clause Clause which unifies with Head :- Body determined as follows:

  1. Either Clause unifies with Head :-Body, or
  2. Clause unifies with Head and Body unifies with true.
As a side effect the clause is removed from the database. A Predicate all of whose clauses have been removed from the database by a sequence or retracts is still found by current_predicate

Template: retract(+clause)


  1. Head is a variable -- instantiation_error
  2. Head is neither a variable nor does it correspond to a predication -- type_error(callable, Head)
  3. The predicate indicator Pred of Head is that of a static (ie. not dynamic) procedure -- permission_error(modify, static_procedure, Pred) Note The standard document says access at this point this is clearly an error!.


abolish(Pred) is true. It has for side effect the removal of all clauses of the predicate indicated by Pred. After abolish/1 the predicate is not found by current_predicate.

Template: abolish(@predicate_indicator)


  • Pred is a variable -- instantiation_error
  • Pred is a term Name/Arity and either Name or Arity is a variable -- instantiation_error
  • Pred is neither a variable nor a predicate indicator -- type_error(predicate_indicator, Pred)
  • Pred is a term Name/Arity and Name is neither a variable nor an atom - type_error(atom, Name)
  • Pred is a term Name/Arity and Arity is an integer less than zero -- domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Arity)
  • Pred is a term Name/Arity and Arity is an integer greater than the implementation defined integer max_arity -- representation_error(max_arity)
  • The predicate indicator Pred is that of a static procedure -- permission_error(modify, static_procedure, Pred)

    All Solutions

    These predicates are convenient for collecting solutions to a given goal. It should be noted that bagof/3 and setof/3 fail when there are no solutions to the goal, whereas findall/3 succeeds setting the collection to empty.


    findall(Template, Goal, Instances) is true if and only if Instances unifies with the list of values to which a variable X not occurring in Template or Goal would be instantiated by successive re-executions of
    call(Goal), X = Template
    after systematic replacement of all variables in X by new variables.

    Template: findall(?term, +callable_term, ?list)

    If the first argument appears in the last argument it can be instantiated by findall.


    1. Goal is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Goal is neither a variable nor a callable term -- type_error(callable, Goal)
    3. Instances is neither a partial list nor a list -- type_error(list, Instances)


    bagof(Template, Goal, Instances) is true if Instances is a non-empty list of all terms such that each unifies with Template for a fixed instance W of the variables of Goal that are free with respect to Template. The ordering of the elements of Instances is the order in which the solutions are found.

    On backtracking bagof is resatisfiable with a different instance of W

    Template: bagof(?term, +callable_term, ?list)

    If the first argument appears in the last argument it can be instantiated by bagof.


    1. Goal is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Goal is neither a variable nor a callable term -- type_error(callable, Goal)
    3. Instances is neither a partial list nor a list -- type_error(list, Instances)


    setof(Template, Goal, Instances) is true if Instances is a sorted non-empty list of all terms such that each unifies with Template for a fixed instance W of the variables of Goal that are free with respect to Template.

    On backtracking setof is resatisfiable with a different instance of W

    Template: setof(?term, +callable_term, ?list)

    If the first argument appears in the last argument it can be instantiated by setof.


    1. Goal is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Goal is neither a variable nor a callable term -- type_error(callable, Goal)
    3. Instances is neither a partial list nor a list -- type_error(list, Instances)

    Input and Output

    A summary of the I/O predicates is given on a special page on IO.

    Stream Selection and Control

    These predicates link an external source/sink with a Prolog stream. Note that the standard does not prescribe the form of a Stream term. An open stream may also be referred to by a alias assigned when the stream is opened.


    current_input(Stream) is true if the stream term Stream identifies the current input stream.

    Template: current_input(?stream).


    1. Stream is neither a variable nor a stream -- domain_error(stream, Stream)


    current_output(Stream) is true if the stream term Stream identifies the current output stream.

    Template: current_output(?stream).


    1. Stream is neither a variable nor a stream -- domain_error(stream, Stream)


    set_input(Stream_or_Alias) is true. As a side effect sets the current input to the Stream identified by Stream_or_Alias

    Template set_input(@stream_or_alias)


    1. Stream_or_Alias is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Stream_or_Alias is neither a variable, nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, Stream_or_Alias)
    3. Stream_or_Alias is not associated with an open stream -- existence_error(stream, Stream_or_Alias)
    4. Stream_or_Alias is an output stream -- permission_error(input, stream, Stream_or_Alias)


    set_output(Stream_or_Alias) is true. As a side effect sets the current output to the Stream identified by Stream_or_Alias

    Template set_output(@stream_or_alias)


    1. Stream_or_Alias is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Stream_or_Alias is neither a variable, nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, Stream_or_Alias)
    3. Stream_or_Alias is not associated with an open stream -- existence_error(stream, Stream_or_Alias)
    4. Stream_or_Alias is an input stream -- permission_error(output, stream, Stream_or_Alias)

    Opening a Stream: open/4, open/3

    open(Source_Sink, Mode, Stream, Options) is true, and has for side effect the opening of Source/sink Source_Sink in mode Mode, the term Stream is a implementation dependent term serving to identify the stream associated to the source/sink by the invocation of open. Options is a list of open options with which the stream is opened.

    open/3 is like open/4 except that no open options are supplied.

    Template: open(@source_sink, @io_mode, -stream, @stream_options)


    1. Source_Sink is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Mode is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. Options is a partial list or a list with an element E which is a variable -- instantiation_error
    4. Mode is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Mode)
    5. Options is neither a partial list nor a list -- type_error(list, Options)
    6. Stream is not a variable -- type_error(variable, Stream)
    7. Source_Sink is neither a variable nor a source/sink -- domain_error(source_sink, Source_Sink)
    8. Mode is an atom but not an input/output mode -- domain_error(io_mode, Mode)
    9. An element E of the Options list is neither a variable nor a stream-option -- domain_error(stream_option, E)
    10. The source/sink specified by Source_Sink does not exist -- existence_error(source_sink, Source_Sink)
    11. The source/sink specified by Source_Sink cannot be opened -- permission_error(open, source_sink, Source_Sink)
    12. An element E of the Options list is alias and A is already associated with an open stream -- permission_error(open, source_sink, alias(A))
    13. An element E of the Options list is reposition(true) and it is not possible to reposition this stream. -- permission_error(open, source_sink, reposition(true))

    Closing a stream: close/1 and close/2

    close(S_or_a, Options) is true, with side effect that it closes the stream associated to S_or_a. The Options argument determines the close options for the operation.

    close(S_or_a) is like close/2 except that no close options are supplied.

    Template: close(@stream_or_alias, @close_options)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Options is a partial list or a list with an element E which is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. Options is neither a partial list nor a list -- type_error(list, Options)
    4. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream-term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    5. An element E of the Options list is neither a variable nor a stream-option -- domain_error(stream_option, E)
    6. S_or_a is not associated with an open stream -- existence_error(stream, S_or_a)

    stream_property/2, at_end_of_stream/1, at_end_of_stream/0

    stream_property(stream, Property is true if and only if the stream associated with the stream-term Stream has the stream property Property. On backtracking all properties of all open streams are discovered.

    The predicates at_end_of_stream/0 and at_end_of_stream/1 are defined as if as follows:

    stream_property(S, end_of_stream(E)),
    (E = at; E = past)
    at_end_of_stream(S_or_a) :-
    ( atom(S_or-a) ->
    stream_property(S, alias(S_or_a))
    S = S_or_a
    stream_property(S, end_of_stream(E)),
    (E = at; E = past)



    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Stream is neither a variable nor a stream-term -- domain_error(stream, Stream)
    3. Property is neither a variable nor a stream property -- domain_error(stream_property,Propertrty)
    4. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    5. S_or_a is not associated with an open stream -- existence_error(stream, S_or_a)


    set_stream_position(S_or_a, Position) is true, with the side effect of setting the stream_position to Position. Normally, Position will have been obtained via the position/1 property of the stream.

    Template: set_stream_position(@stream_or_alias, @stream_position)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Position is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    4. S_or_a is not associated with an open stream -- existence_error(stream, S_or_a)
    5. S_or_a has stream property reposition(false) -- permission_error(reposition, stream, S_or_a)

    Character Input Output

    These predicates allow a single character or code to be input from or output to a text stream.

    get_char/2, get_char/1

    get_code/2, get_code/1

    get_char(S_or_a,Char) is true if and only if Char unifies with the next character to be input from the target stream identified by S_or_a, the character is input. get_char(Char) applies to the current input stream.

    get_code/2 and get_code/1 are defined as if

    (Char = end_of_file ->
    Code = -1
    char_code(Char, Code)
    get_code(S, Code) :-
    (Char = end_of_file ->
    Code = -1
    char_code(Char, Code)

    get_char(@stream_or_alias, ?in_character)
    get_code(@stream_or_alias, ?in_character_code)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Char is neither a variable nor an in-character -- type_error(in_character, Char)
    3. Code is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, Char)
    4. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    5. S_or_a is an output stream -- permission_error(input, stream, S_or_a)
    6. S_or_a is associated with a binary stream -- permission_error(input, binary_stream, S_or_a)
    7. S_or_a has stream properties end_of_stream(past) and eof_action(error) -- permission_error(input, past_end_of_stream, S_or_a)
    8. The entity input from the stream is not a character -- representation_error(character)
    9. Code is an integer but not an in-character code representation_error(in_character_code)

    peek_char/2, peek_char/1

    peek_code/2, peek_code/1

    peek_char(S_or_a,Char) is true if and only if Char unifies with the next character that would be input from the target stream identified by S_or_a, the character is not input. peek_char(Char) applies to the current input stream.

    peek_code/2 and peek_code/1 are defined as if

    (Char = end_of_file ->
    Code = -1
    char_code(Char, Code)
    peek_code(S, Code) :-
    (Char = end_of_file ->
    Code = -1
    char_code(Char, Code)

    peek_char(@stream_or_alias, ?in_character)
    peek_code(@stream_or_alias, ?in_character_code)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Char is neither a variable nor an in-character -- type_error(in_character, Char)
    3. Code is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, Char)
    4. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    5. S_or_a is an output stream -- permission_error(input, stream, S_or_a)
    6. S_or_a is associated with a binary stream -- permission_error(input, binary_stream, S_or_a)
    7. S_or_a has stream properties end_of_stream(past) and eof_action(error) -- permission_error(input, past_end_of_stream, S_or_a)
    8. The entity input from the stream is not a character -- representation_error(character)
    9. Code is an integer but not an in-character code representation_error(in_character_code)

    put_char/2, put_char/1, put_code/2, put_code/1, nl/0,nl/1

    put_char(S_or_a, Char) is true, with the side effect that Char is output to the stream associated with S_or_a. put_char(Char) applies to the current output stream.

    The predicates put_code/2, put_code/1, nl/1 and nl/0 are defined as if

    put_code(Code) :-
    char_code(Char, Code),
    put_char(S, Char).
    put_code(S,Code) :-
    char_code(Char, Code),
    put_char(S, Char).
    nl :-
    put_char(S, '\n').
    nl(S) :-
    put_char(S, '\n').

    put_char(@stream_or_alias, +character)
    put_code(@stream_or_alias, +character_code)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Char is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. Code is a variable -- instantiation_error
    4. Char is neither a variable nor a one character atom -- type_error(character, Char)
    5. Code is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, Char)
    6. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    7. S_or_a is not associated with an open stream -- existence_error(stream, S_or_a)
    8. S_or_a is an input stream -- permission_error(output, stream, S_or_a)
    9. S_or_a is associated with a binary stream -- permission_error(output, binary_stream, S_or_a)
    10. Char is not a character -- representation_error(character)
    11. Code is an integer but not an character code representation_error(character_code)

    Reading from Binary streams

    These builtin predicates enable a single byte to be input from or output to a binary stream.

    get_byte/2, get_byte/1

    get_byte(S_or_a,Byte) is true if and only if Byte unifies with the next byte to be input from the target stream identified by S_or_a, the byte is input. get_byte(Byte) applies to the current input stream.

    Template: get_byte(@stream_or_alias, ?in_byte)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Byte is neither a variable nor an in-byte -- type_error(in_byte, Byte)
    3. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    4. S_or_a is an output stream -- permission_error(input, stream, S_or_a)
    5. S_or_a is associated with a text stream -- permission_error(input, text_stream, S_or_a)
    6. S_or_a has stream properties end_of_stream(past) and eof_action(error) -- permission_error(input, past_end_of_stream, S_or_a)

    peek_byte/2, peek_byte/1

    peek_byte(S_or_a,Byte) is true if and only if Byte unifies with the next byte to be input from the target stream identified by S_or_a, the byte is not input. peek_byte(Byte) applies to the current input stream.

    Template: peek_byte(@stream_or_alias, ?in_byte)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Byte is neither a variable nor an in-byte -- type_error(in_byte, Byte)
    3. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    4. S_or_a is an output stream -- permission_error(input, stream, S_or_a)
    5. S_or_a is associated with a text stream -- permission_error(input, text_stream, S_or_a)
    6. S_or_a has stream properties end_of_stream(past) and eof_action(error) -- permission_error(input, past_end_of_stream, S_or_a)

    put_byte/2, put_byte/1

    put_byte(S_or_a, Byte) is true, with the side effect that Byte is output to the stream associated with S_or_a. put_byte(Byte) applies to the current output stream.

    Template: put_byte(@stream_or_alias, +byte)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Byte is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. Byte is neither a variable nor an byte -- type_error(byte, Byte)
    4. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    5. S_or_a is an input stream -- permission_error(output, stream, S_or_a)
    6. S_or_a is associated with a text stream -- permission_error(output, text_stream, S_or_a)

    Term Input and Output

    These predicates enable a Prolog term to input from or output to a text stream. The syntax of such terms is affected by the operator table, the value of certain Prolog flags and whether or not character conversion is in effect.

    read_term/2, read_term/3, read/1, read/2

    read_term(S_or_a, Term, Options) is true if and only if Term unifies with T where T. is a read-term which has been constructed by inputting and parsing characters from the target stream. The argument Options determines the value of the read options in effect for the read.

    The predicates read/1, read/2 and read_term/2 are defined as if:

    read_term(Term, Options) :-
    read_term(S, Term, Options).
    read(S, Term):-
    read_term(S, Term, []).
    read(Term) :-
    read_term(S, Term, []).

    Template:read_term(@stream_or_alias, ?term, +read_options_list)


    1. S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Options is a partial list or a list with an element which is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
    4. Options is neither a partial list nor a list -- type_error(list, Options)
    5. An element E of the Options list is neither a variable nor a valid read-option -- domain_error(read_option, E)
    6. S_or_a is not associated with an open stream -- existence_error(stream, S_or_a)
    7. S_or_a is an output stream -- permission_error(input, stream, S_or_a)
    8. S_or_a is associated with a binary stream -- permission_error(input, binary_stream, S_or_a)
    9. S_or_a has stream properties end_of_stream(past) and eof_action(error) -- permission_error(input, past_end_of_stream, S_or_a)
    10. One or more characters were input, but they cannot be parsed as a sequence of tokens -- syntax_error(implementation_dependent_atom)
    11. The sequence of tokens cannot be parsed as a term using the current set of operator definitions -- syntax_error(implementation_dependent_atom)

    Writing terms

    write_term/3, write_term/2, write/1, write/2, writeq/1, writeq/2, write_canonical/1, write_canonical/2

    write_term(S_or_a, Term, Options) is true, with for side effect the output of Term to the target stream according to the operator table and the write-options.

    The predicates write_term/2, write/1, write/2, writeq/1, writeq/2, write_canonical/1, and write_canonical/2 are defined as if:

    write_term(Term, Options):-
    write_term(S, Term, Options).
    write_term(S, Term, [numbervars(true)]).
    write_term(S, Term) :-
    write_term(S, Term, [numbervars(true)]).
    write_term(S, Term, [quoted(true),numbervars(true)]).
    write_term(S, Term, [quoted(true),numbervars(true)]).
    write_canonical(T) :-
    write_term(S, Term, [quoted(true),ignore_ops(true)]).
    write_canonical(S,T) :-
    write_term(S, Term, [quoted(true),ignore_ops(true)]).

    Template write(@stream_or_alias, @Term, @write_options_list)


  • S_or_a is a variable -- instantiation_error
  • Options is a partial list or a list with an element which is a variable -- instantiation_error
  • S_or_a is neither a variable nor a stream term or alias -- domain_error(stream_or_alias, S_or_a)
  • Options is neither a partial list nor a list -- type_error(list, Options)
  • An element E of the Options list is neither a variable nor a valid write-option -- domain_error(write_option, E)
  • S_or_a is not associated with an open stream -- existence_error(stream, S_or_a)
  • S_or_a is an input stream -- permission_error(output, stream, S_or_a)
  • S_or_a is associated with a binary stream -- permission_error(output, binary_stream, S_or_a)

    op/3 and current_op/3

    These predicates allow the operator table to be altered or inspected.

    op(Priority, Op_Specifier, Operator) is true, with the side effect that

    1. if Priority is 0 then Operator is removed from the operator table, else
    2. Operator is added to the Operator table, with priority (lower binds tighter) Priority and associativity determined by Op_Specifier according to the rules:


    It is forbidden to alter the priority or type of ','. It is forbidden to have an infix and a postfix operator with the same name, or two operators with the same class and name.

    The initial operator table is given by

    PrioritySpecifier Operator(s)
    1200 xfx :- -->
    1200fx :- ?-
    1100 xfy ;
    1050 xfy ->
    1000 xfy ','
    900 fy \+
    700 xfx = \=
    700 xfx == \== @< @=< @> @>=
    700 xfx =..
    700 xfx is =:= =\= < =< > >=
    500 yfx + - /\ \/
    400 yfx * / // rem mod << >>
    200 xfx **
    200 xfy ^
    200 fy - \

    Template:op(+integer,+operator_specifier, @atom_or_atom_list)


    1. Priority is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Op_Specifier is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. Operator is a partial list or a list with an element E which is a variable -- instantiation_error
    4. Priority is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, Priority)
    5. Op_Specifier is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Op_specifier)
    6. Operator is neither a partial list nor a list nor an atom -- type_error(list, Operator)
    7. An element E of the Operator list is not an atom -- type_error(atom, E)
    8. Priority is not between 0 and 1200 inclusive -- domain_error(operator_priority, Priority)
    9. Op_specifier is not a valid operator specifier -- domain_error(operator_specifier, Op_specifier)
    10. Operator is ',' -- permission_error(modify, operator, ',')
    11. An element of the Operator list is ',' -- permission_error(modify, operator, ',')
    12. Op_specifierOperator would violate the prohibitions on multiple types -- permission_error(create, operator, Operator)


    current_op(Priority, Op_specifier, Operator) is true if and only if Operator is an operator with properties given by Op_specifier and Priority

    Template:current_op(?integer, ?operator_specifier, ?atom)


    1. Priority is neither a variable nor an operator priority -- domain_error(operator_priority, Priority)
    2. Op_specifier is neither a variable nor an operator specifier -- domain_error(operator_specifier, Op_specifier)
    3. Operator is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Operator)

    char_conversion/2 and current_char_conversion/2

    char_conversion(In_char, Out_char) is true, with the side effect of adding the pair (In_char, Out_char) to the character conversion table if In_char is not equal to Out_char and removing any pair (In_char, _) from the table if In_char is equal to Out_char .

    When the flag char_conversion has the value true, the In_char will be replaced by Out_char when a term is read using read_term/3.

    Template: char_conversion(+character, +character).


    1. In_char is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Out_char is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. In_char is neither a variable nor a one character atom -- representation_error(character)
    4. Out_char is neither a variable nor a one character atom -- representation_error(character)

    current_char_conversion(In_char,Out_char) is true if and only if

    1. In_char is not equal to Out_char, and
    2. there is an entry in the character conversion table corresponding to the pair (In_char,Out_char)

    Template: current_char_conversion(?character, ?character)


    1. In_char is neither a variable nor a one character atom -- representation_error(character)
    2. Out_char is neither a variable nor a one character atom -- representation_error(character)

    Logic and Control

    (\+)/1 - not provable

    \+(Term) is true iff and only if call(Term) is false.



    1. Term is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Term is neither a variable nor a callable term -- type_error(callable, Term)


    once(Term) is true. once/1 is not re-executable.



    1. Term is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Term is neither a variable nor a callable term -- type_error(callable, Term)


    repeat is true. It is defined as if:

    Template: repeat

    Errors: None.

    Atom Processing

    These predicates allow atomic terms to be processed as a string of characters or codes.


    atom_length(Atom, Length) is true if and only if the integer Length equals the number of characters in the name of the atom Atom.

    Template: atom_length(+atom, ?integer)


    1. Atom is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Atom is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Atom)
    3. Length is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, Length)
    4. Length is an integer less than zero -- domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Length))


    atom_concat(Start, End, Whole) is true if and only if Whole is the atom obtained by concatenating the characters of End to those of First. If Whole is instantiated then all decompositions of Whole can be obtained by back-tracking.

    atom_concat(?atom, ?atom +atom)
    atom-concat(+atom, +atom, -atom)


    1. Start and Whole are variables -- instantiation_error
    2. End and Whole are variables -- instantiation_error
    3. Start is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Start)
    4. End is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, End)
    5. Whole is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Whole)


    sub_atom(Atom, Before, Length, After, Sub_atom) is true if and only if Sub_atom is the sub atomof Atom of length Length that appears with Before characters preceding it and After characters following. It is re-executable.

    Template: sub_atom(+atom, ?integer, ?integer, ?integer, ?atom)


    1. Atom is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Atom is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Atom)
    3. Sub_atom is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Sub_atom)
    4. Before is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, Before)
    5. Length is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, Length)
    6. After is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, After)
    7. Before is an integer less than zero -- domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Before))
    8. Length is an integer less than zero -- domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Length))
    9. After is an integer less than zero -- domain_error(not_less_than_zero, After))


    atom_chars(Atom, List) succeeds if and only if List is a list whose elements are the one character atoms that in order make up Atom.

    atom_chars(+atom, ?character_list)
    atom_chars(-atom, +character_list)


    1. Atom is a variable and List is a list or partial list with an element which is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Atom is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Atom)
    3. Atom is a variable and List is neither a list nor a partial list -- type_error(list, List)
    4. Atom is a variable and an element E of the list List is neither a variable nor a one-character atom. a partial list -- type_error(character, E)


    atom_codes(Atom, List) succeeds if and only if List is a list whose elements are the character codes that in order correspond to the characters that make up Atom.

    atom_codes(+atom, ?character_code_list)
    atom_codes(-atom, +character_code_list)


    1. Atom is a variable and List is a list or partial list with an element which is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Atom is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Atom)
    3. Atom is a variable and List is neither a list nor a partial list -- type_error(list, List)
    4. Atom is a variable and an element E of the list List is neither a variable nor a character-code. a partial list -- representation_error(character_code)


    char_code(Char, Code) succeeds if and only if Code is the character code that corresponds to the character Char.

    char_code(+character, ?character_code)
    char_code(-character, +character_code)


    1. Char and Code are variables -- instantiation_error
    2. Char is neither a variable nor a one character atom atom -- type_error(character, Char)
    3. Code is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, Code) Code is neither a variable nor a character-code. representation_error(character_code)


    number_chars(Number, List) succeeds if and only if List is a list whose elements are the one character atoms that in order make up Number.

    number_chars(+number, ?character_list)
    number_chars(-number, +character_list)


    1. Number is a variable and List is a list or partial list with an element which is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Number is neither a variable nor a number -- type_error(number, Number)
    3. Number is a variable and List is neither a list nor partial list -- type_error(list, List)
    4. An element E of the list List is neither a variable nor a one-character atom. -- type_error(character, E)
    5. List is a list of one-char atoms but is not parseable as a number. -- syntax_error(implementation_dependent_atom)


    number_codes(Number, CodeList) succeeds if and only if CodeList is a list whose elements are the codes for the one character atoms that in order make up Number.

    number_codes(+number, ?character_list)
    number_codes(-number, +character_list)


    1. Number is a variable and CodeList is a list or partial list with an element which is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Number is neither a variable nor a number -- type_error(number, Number)
    3. Number is a variable and CodeList is neither a list nor a partial list -- type_error(list, CodeList)
    4. An element E of the list CodeList is neither a variable nor a character code. -- representation_error(character_code)
    5. CodeList is a list of character codes but is not pearseable as a number. -- syntax_error(implementation_dependent_atom)

    Implementation defined hooks

    Conforming Prolog processors are required to support flags whose value can be set or determined by the following predicates.


    set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value) sets the Prolog flag Flag to the value Value. The goal either succeeds or raises an exception.

    Template: set_prolog_flag(+flag, @nonvar)


    1. Flag is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. Value is a variable -- instantiation_error
    3. Flag/tt> is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Flag)
    4. Flag is an atom but an invalid flag for the processor -- domain_error(prolog_flag, Flag)
    5. Value is inadmissible for Flag -- domain_error(flag_value, Flag + Value)
    6. Value is admissible for Flag but the flag Flag is not modifiable -- permission_error(modify, flag, Flag)


    current_prolog_flag(Flag,Value) is true if and only if Flag is a supported flag and Value is its value. On backtracking the values of all supported flags can be determined.

    Template:current_prolog_flag(?flag, ?term)


    1. Flag/tt> is neither a variable nor an atom -- type_error(atom, Flag)
    2. Flag is an atom but an invalid flag for the processor -- domain_error(prolog_flag, Flag)

    halt/0 and halt/1

    These predicates provide means for terminating a Prolog processor.

    halt exits the processor and returns to the system that invoked the processor.


    Errors: None.

    halt(X) exits the processor and returns to the system that invoked the processor passing the value of X as a message.



    1. X is a variable -- instantiation_error
    2. X is neither a variable nor an integer -- type_error(integer, X)

    Evaluable Functors

    A conforming processor is required to support the arithmetic operations specified by the following tables. They conform to the ISO/IEC 10967-1 Language Independent Arithmetic standard.

    Types used for the signatures

    Integer or float
    Functor SignatureOperation
    (+)/2 I x I --> I Addition
    (+)/2 F x F --> F Addition
    (+)/2 F x I --> F Addition
    (+)/2 I x F --> F Addition
    (-)/2 I x I --> I Subtraction
    (-)/2 F x F --> F Subtraction
    (-)/2 F x I --> F Subtraction
    (-)/2 I x F --> F Subtraction
    (*)/2 I x I --> I Multiplication
    (*)/2 F x F --> F Multiplication
    (*)/2 F x I --> F Multiplication
    (*)/2 I x F --> F Multiplication
    (//)/2 I x I --> I Integer Division
    (/)/2 I x I --> F Division
    (/)/2 F x F --> F Division
    (/)/2 F x I --> F Division
    (/)/2 I x F --> F Division
    (rem)/2 I x I --> I Remainder
    (mod)/2 I x I --> I Modulus
    (-)/1 I --> I Negation
    (-)/1 F --> F Negation
    (abs)/1 I --> I Absolute Value
    (abs)/1 F --> F Absolute Value
    (sign)/1 I --> I Sign
    (sign)/1 F --> F SIGN
    (float_integer_part)/1 F --> I integer part
    (float_fractional_part)/1 F --> F fractional part
    (float)/1 I --> F float coercion.
    (float)/1 F --> F float coercion.
    (floor)/1 F --> I floor.
    (truncate)/1 F --> I truncate.
    (round)/1 F --> I round.
    (ceiling)/1 F --> I ceiling.

    Errors: It is an evaluation_error(E) if the value of an expression E is an exceptional value -- float_overflow, int_overflow, underflow, zero_divisor, or undefined

    Other arithmetic and Bitwise functors

    A conforming processor must in addition support the following evaluable functors:
    FunctorTemplate(s) Name
    (**)/2 '**'(int-exp, int-exp) = float
    '**'(float-exp, int-exp) = float
    '**'(int-exp, float-exp) = float
    '**'(float-exp, float-exp) = float
    sin/1 sin(float_exp) = float
    sin(int_exp) = float
    cos/1 cos(float_exp) = float
    cos(int_exp) = float
    atan/1 atan(float_exp) = float
    atan(int_exp) = float
    arc tangent
    exp/1 exp(float_exp) = float
    exp(int_exp) = float
    log/1 log(float_exp) = float
    log(int_exp) = float
    sqrt/1 sqrt(float_exp) = float
    sqrt(int_exp) = float
    square root
    (>>)/2 '>>'(int_exp, int_exp) = integer bitwise right shift
    (<<)/2 '<<'(int_exp, int_exp) = integer bitwise left shift
    (/\)/2 '/\\'(int-exp, int-exp) = integer bit-wise and
    (\/)/2 '\\/'(int-exp, int-exp) = integer bit-wise or
    (\)/1 '\\'(int-exp) = integer bitwise complement

    All of these throw instantiation_error when any of their arguments are variables. They throw type_error(number, VX) ( or type_error(integer, VX) when an argument X evaluates to an expression which is not a number (resp. an integer). In addition exp/1 can throw evaluation_error(float_overflow), or evaluation_error(underflow), and log/1 can throw evaluation_error(undefined)

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    Author: J.P.E. Hodgson
    Inria Rocquencourt
    78153 Le Chesnay Cedex

    Saint Joseph's University
    Philadelphia PA 19131

    Last Changed: 1999/04/12 (ISO Date)